H. Pylori Bacteria – What is it?
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a very common spiral shaped bacteria, which alters the entire pH of the digestive system. Moreover, H. pylori bacteria is the root cause to numerous digestive conditions. In fact, H. pylori bacteria is well researched in terms of ulcers, Barrett’s esophagus and acid reflux, all of which can stem from H. pylori bacteria infection. Additionally, H. pylori has also been linked to ulcerative colitis, gastritis, non-ulcerative dyspepsia, dysbiosis, IBS and constipation. Even more, H. pylori has shown to induce inflammation in the case of diverticulitis.
Why is H. Pylori Such a Destructive Bacteria?
H. pylori is a very destructive bacteria because it is able to survive in hydrochloric acid (the acid your stomach produces to break down food), and then borough into the lining of the stomach. Even more, this bacteria changes the pH of the stomach to a more alkaline environment, which doesn’t allow for the proper break down of food, nor does this protect against other foreign invaders (other gut pathogens). In fact, the presence of H. pylori bacteria provides a welcome environment for other GI pathogens to take up space in the digestive system.
Note: There is indication H. pylori bacteria can reside in the gallbladder, in which case gallbladder health should be addressed when eliminating it.
Get Your Free H. Pylori Meal Plan
Related Posts:
H. pylori Free Naturally in 45 Days eBook
Matula Tea – A Solution for H. pylori, Candida + Reflux
More on H. pylori from Dr. Axe and some interesting facts here and here.
How is H. Pylori Transmitted
Modern science does not know exactly why some people get H. pylori bacteria and others don’t. It is hypothesized that it is spread via saliva, that you can pick it up via unsanitary drinking water or even tap water. It is also mentioned in the research that H. pylori rates are higher in developing countries. Furthermore, improperly cooked foods, high stress levels (poor adrenal health), poor immune system, poor drainage, liver stagnation, etc. are also mentioned as reasons why some get H. pylori bacteria and others don’t.
It is estimated that 60% of the population has H. pylori bacteria. This number is closer to 66% in developing countries.
Signs & Symptoms of H. Pylori Bacteria
Tops signs & symptoms of H. pylori bacteria include the following:
- Bloat after protein rich meals
- Burping/Indigestion
- Bad Breath/Gum Disease/Oral Infections
- Acid Reflux (GERD)
- Adult Acne
- Gas/Flatulence
- Constipation/Diarrhea
- Ulcers
- Burning/Reflux
- Gastritis
- Fatigue
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Depression/Anxiety
- Blocked Nose/Painful Sinuses/Colds/Infections
- Weight/Muscle Loss
- Hormonal Issues
How H. Pylori Causes Ulcers
According to Matulatea.com,
Helicobacter Pylori can survive gastric acids, due to its ability to produce an enzyme called urease. Urease can neutralize stomach acid, making it easy for the bacteria to survive in its own acid free zone. Helicobacter Pylori is the ONLY bacterial organism which can survive in the hydrochloric acid produced by your stomach.
Moreover, because of H. pylori bacteria’s spiral shape, it can easily borough into and penetrate the stomach’s protective mucous lining. The ‘antacid’ effect of H. Pylori fools the stomach into producing more acid, which then makes the stomach lining more susceptible to damage through exposure to acid and pepsin. Too much acid and pepsin is even more damaging when the stomach lining has been penetrated and left unprotected by the effects of H. pylori colonization. This is how stomach ulcers are formed.”
How to Get Rid of H. Pylori Naturally
My preferred method of natural elimination of H. pylori bacteria is the test, not guess approach. First, run a complete digestive panel called the GIMAP to ensure that you actually have H. pylori bacteria. Once, confirmed via the GIMAP stool test, you will want to assess the levels of the bacteria, virulence factors, the condition of the immune system and then customize the elimination protocol. If your immune system is poor or compromised, it is recommended to do a prep phase prior to elimination so not to experience detox symptoms. By considering the condition of your immune system, you ensure the protocol will work more effectively.
Using Matula Tea for H. pylori Elimination
My favorite tea for natural H. pylori elimination is Matula tea. For me, matula tea worked on the first try, along with a comprehensive natural H pylori elimination protocol. To be clear, I am a certified functional nutritionist and did a completely personalized H pylori elimination protocol based off my GIMAP results. The natural elimination protocol, which included Matula tea, was personalized and comprehensive. I outline the complete H pylori elimination protocol in my H pylori Free Naturally Ebook. Moreover, I coach + support clients in natural H pylori elimination in my monthly Gut Health Academy Membership. Results: *95% elimination rate if the protocol is done correctly, gallbladder health is addressed and the protocol is long enough.
FAQS About H. pylori
Q: What are the first symptoms of H. pylori?
A: Most individuals with H. pylori do not have symptoms. In fact, many people can live with H. pylori their entire lives and never know they have it. However, the first signs and symptoms of H. pylori are usually acid reflux, GERD, bloat after meals, gas, burping after meals and pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen.
Q: What will happen if H. pylori goes untreated? Is H. pylori a serious condition?
A. If you have no symptoms of H. pylori it usually does go untreated, since roughly 60% of the population has H. pylori bacteria. However, if you have symptoms of H. pylori, like ulcers or gastritis, the bacteria should be eliminated so it does not continue to causing burning and discomfort. Some virulent strains of H. pylori have been linked to stomach cancer as well, so it’s important to seek out a doctor’s advice when symptoms are present. Keep in mind, a recent 2020 study suggests “the [antibiotic] resistance rate of H. pylori has increased,” so natural options should be considered.
Q: How do you get H pylori bacteria in your stomach?
A. Modern science does not know exactly why some people get H. pylori bacteria and others don’t. It is hypothesized that it is spread via saliva, that you can pick it up via unsanitary drinking water or even tap water. It is also mentioned in the research that H. pylori rates are higher in developing countries. Furthermore, improperly cooked foods, high stress levels, poor immune system, poor drainage, liver stagnation, etc. are also mentioned as reasons why some pick up H pylori and others don’t.
Q: What can you not eat with H pylori?
A: It’s important to address your diet, while eliminating H. pylori naturally, in order for the protocol to be effective. Eliminating processed foods like gluten, soy, dairy, processed white sugar and high acidic foods can be helpful for reducing symptoms like reflux, burning and bloat. For a full list of foods to eliminate while eliminating H. pylori, check out my H pylori Free Naturally Ebook.
Q. Can H. pylori go away on its own?
A. You can manage symptoms of H. pylori via your diet, but it does not go away on it’s own. Check out my H pylori Free Naturally Ebook on how to manage and eliminate H. pylori naturally via foods, beverages and supplements. In the 30+ page ebook, I go over in detail the foods to include in your diet for H. pylori elimination and the foods to avoid when eliminating H. pylori naturally.
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition™ Practitioner Cirriculm: Slides 41-47
“Effects of ingesting Lactobacillus- and Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt in subjects with colonized Helicobacter pylori“.
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Note: Always refer to your medical doctor for medical advice for any ailment. If you are unsure about your doctor’s advice and opinion, then you can seek a second opinion from a doctor, who practices holistic, complementary or alternative medicine, such as a naturopath or functional medicine practitioner. Matula tea is completely non-toxic, however pregnant or breast feeding women and anyone on a medication should consult with their doctor before consuming.
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