“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair.”
Like it or not, hair is a huge marker of identity. That may sound strange, but just like our job position, relationship status or our culture, appearance plays a vital part in how we see ourselves and how others ultimately view us. As vain as it may sound, the mental picture we hold in our mind about our own appearance, status or position will prove to impact our self-esteem and self-worth. And whether this image of our self is positive or negative, like a magnet, these views of the self will touch every aspect of our life. It is only when one has lost what they see and value as their identity, a search begins. I speak from experience. For me, it was my hair and this story has a happy ending.
Winter 2012, the season my precious locks started falling out in clumps was the period in which my identity became changed and suffered. I felt imbalanced, self-conscious and full of grief. I sobbed each morning as my white pillowcase laid adorn with piles of my dark strands. I grieved something I did not understand. However, I did not give in nor did I give up. And it is a good thing I didn’t because after 4 years of research, enrolling myself in nutrition classes and seeing numerous doctors and healers, I finally resuscitated the part of my identity that had once left me lost…my body balanced and my hair stopped falling out. And even though I did learn along the way that looks (nor a job or status) do not make the person, I know how hard it is to ask yourself, “Why?” and not have an answer. So in the next few posts I will be sharing with you a topic I hold dear to my heart–HAIR GROWTH–and how to get it! I will start with what I love first and foremost–FOOD!
What foods can we eat for optimal hair growth and volume?
Have you ever wondered what kinds of foods can help to increase volume and growth of hair? A healthy diet and lifestyle are essential to optimal health and hair, along with healthy hormones and a positive mindset. The following foods help support all of the above and contain the essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed to increase hair growth potential and super radiant health.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes are the ultimate hair growth food. Not only do they promote healthy gut bacteria, but these golden orange vegetables also enhance our B12 production. At the same time, sweet potatoes offer a plethora of vitamins (especially Vitamin C), minerals and antioxidants, all of which are important to hair growth. However, according to Anthony William, the main reason why sweet potatoes are essential for the promotion of hair is that they help to purge the body of excess estrogen (bad estrogens from plastics, pharma drugs and environmental pollution). By getting rid of bad estrogen in the body, these lovely root vegetables promote and regulate hair growth! Moreover, say good-bye to your fear of carbs, as sweet potatoes contain a wealth of healthy fiber essential for blood sugar regulation, healthy digestion and yes, weight management. Plus, the natural sweetness of a baked sweet potato is enough to curb the strongest of naughty food cravings.
Wild Blueberries
Wild blueberries are the ultimate superfood. If you have heard the notion that wild foods contain more vitamins and mineral potential, then you heard right. Specifically, blueberries harvested from the wild have tremendous amounts of antioxidants, which will in effect boost your immune system, protect against cancer and support optimal health, including hair growth. Wild blueberry vines are so strong that even after a fire has devastated the crop, they will still grow back equally nutritious and equally robust. The easiest way to find wild blueberries is in your supermarket’s frozen food section.
Avocados are simply nature’s gift from the gods. This butter-like fruit contains omega-6 fatty acids, B vitamins as well as vitamin E, all of which contribute to healthy skin, nails and mane. According to Dr. Axe, avocadoes also contain the carotenoid called lutein, which is responsible for that rich, radiant glow to the skin and healthy shine to the hair. On top of all this, avocados contain proteins for which are the building blocks to the hair follicles. You may reap the rewards of avocado, not only by consuming it, but also by mashing the fruit and placing it directly on the hair and scalp. An avocado hair mask will restore moisture and shine to your gorgeous locks.
Pomegranates are yet another food of the gods. And let’s just keep the antioxidant theme of these foods going because this succulent, deep red juice contains a wealth of these free-radical fighting components. Moreover, the reason why this fruit is important to hair growth is due to its ability to decrease inflammation. Dr. Axe states, “inflammation is associated with nearly all health conditions,” and since hair loss is a condition of inflammation to the hair follicle, it seems quite fitting to fight those radials with the antioxidants found in pomegranates. One last important note about this delectable fruit is its ability to balance blood sugar and the adrenals. If your hair is falling out due to stress and/or adrenal fatigue, pomegranates can help to reduce and balance this issue.
Papaya, a fruit that brings us to tropical paradise without having to leave home. Of course, it too is full of antioxidants, but what makes papaya stand out the most is how easily it can be digested. Because papaya is so easily broken down, we can better utilize the important nutrients it has to offer, like vitamin C and magnesium (important for stress reduction). Papaya also contains special enzymes that actually help to break down proteins, making it a wonderful food for increasing our digestive integrity. Why is digestion (and thus papaya) so important to hair? Simply because if our digestion is not working properly, it is impossible to assimilate the vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal hair growth. Lesson: eat your papaya!
*Note: Hawaiian papaya varieties have undergone GMO contamination, so be sure to choose Mexican and Central American varieties.
Enjoy eating these amazing foods that have the potential to make your body strong and your hair long! And remember, looks certainly do not make the person and yes, self-love trumps our lackluster locks, but you can only truly understand what makes your identity once you have lost it and journeyed to find it again.
Wishing you impeccable hair and health!
In divine health,
Murray, M. (2005). The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. NY: Atria Books
William, A. (2016). Life-Changing Foods: Save Yourself and the Ones You Love With the Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables. Hay House, INC.
“Avocado Benefits: The Most Nutrition-Packed Food on the Planet?” https://draxe.com/avocado-benefits/
“Pomegranate Juice: The Healthiest Juice on the Planet?” https://draxe.com/pomegranate-juice/
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