So, the questions I get asked the most given my nutrition background and personal health history…What can I do for hair growth?…How can I stop my hair from falling out?…Why is my hair falling out? There is no doubt that hair–for women–is a symbol of beauty and femininity. If you look at any fashion magazine, I can guarantee you it is “en Vogue” to have long voluminous locks. Yes, hair does not make the woman or man by any means, but it is a form of self-identity and when this form of identity suddenly changes–falls out–one can’t help, but ask the question: why?
This post is meant to provide a solution you may never have heard of–Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis–and restore your hope. After all, disease or ill health is merely an imbalance in the body–dis-ease. If we fix the imbalance, health is restored.
Purchase Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
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The Hair Loss Dilemma
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for women and men to face some form of hair loss in their life. There are even proper medical names and categories for the types of hair loss. I myself was diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia. (It took me quite a while to shake that label). However, I will spare you the lengthy list of medical terminology, simply because one can get lost in the labels, which can lead to confusion and the loss of hope. But, please do not get caught up in the blame game–blaming your “bad genes” for your hair, as this is only an unproven theory. Yet, we won’t leave science completely behind because there is one uncommon science (or practice), which provides reasons for why you face a hair loss dilemma. This science is called Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.
The Trigger for Hair Loss
In my experience, forms of hair loss all derive from the same underlying issue: stress exerted on the body whether internal, external or psychological, which creates a state of imbalance in the body. After doing extensive research, reading endless amounts of books and trying every possible hair growth concoction and hair product on the market, I finally reached a defining conclusion:
Stress and environmental factors are the key triggers to hormonal, digestive and nutritional imbalances, all of which eventually lead to imbalance in the body, including hair loss.
Stress, Trauma & Hair Loss
To be more specific, whether it be a sudden trauma (the loss of a loved one, relationship or job), a great exertion of stress on the body (giving birth, an illness, a high fever, over exercising) or environmental toxins (chemicals in our food, medications, heavy metals, radiation in drinking water, etc.) or any combination of the above, hair loss is usually triggered by an increase in stress and/or overload on the body. Ultimately, stress weakens digestion, slows the thyroid & detox pathways and at the same time creates a hormonal imbalance, due to an excess of cortisol and adrenaline circulating in the body. To add to this picture, in times of high stress, the body rapidly burns through its stores of vitamins and minerals, and if not properly supplementing or making up for this higher demand of nutrients with the diet, the body becomes depleted (i.e. keys nutrients for hair growth) and health issues arise.
Stress creates a cascade of changes in our mineral patterns. – Dr. Malter
Toxins create deficiencies in the body. – Cellcore Biosciences
The Stress Dilemma
In a nut shell, stress creates imbalance in the body, which leads to a state of nutrient depletion, the loss of digestive integrity, poor detox and hormonal disproportion. In upcoming posts, I will explain how to make up for hair loss with foods, teas and herbs, how to restore balance through stress management techniques and what practices you can adopt to grow your hair. Here is a quick summary of why hair loss usually occurs in men and women:
Stress = Digestive imbalances/disorders
- Undigested Food/Fermented Food
- Malabsorption of Vitamins & Minerals
- Makes way for Parasites/Candida/Viruses/Bacteria
- Creates overload on body
Stress = Hormone Imbalance
- High cortisol and adrenaline
- Adrenal Insufficiency
- Thyroid Insufficiency (Low Minerals)
Stress = Demand for more nutrients
- Creates depletion of important vitamins for hair
- Improper eating makes this worse (a.k.a. fad diets)
Environment (Heavy metals, radiation, toxic cosmetics, pesticides, contaminated water, electromagnetic frequencies, etc.)
- Creates more stress on the body
- Clogs drainage/elimination/detox pathways
- Toxins create deficiencies in the body
I know, it might be overwhelming to think about where to start with this issue and often times your doctor will tell you to stop stressing and all will be well…or you might receive a medical diagnosis (like I did), which provides little hope. If you’re anything like me and must know the underlying issue for why the hair loss is occurring, I highly suggest the following test–hair analysis. This test provided answers to the questions I had circulating in my head. Don’t forget, if your hair is falling out, mostly likely you have other co-occurring health issues. It is important to address them all in order for the hair to restore itself.
Hair Analysis
Hair Analysis testing seems to be a forgotten science in the US. However, it is not forgotten in other countries. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test allows you to send away a sample of your hair, which will be tested for heavy metal toxicity, nutritional deficiencies and the current metabolic state of your body. Basically, this test enables you to find out what underlying issues your body is facing that could contribute to an imbalance in hair growth.
Hair Analysis Results
When I received my test results, I simply couldn’t believe the outcome. There were 10 pages that described my metabolism, adrenal & thyroid imbalances, blood sugar imbalance, mineral deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, high levels of radiation and even gut infections. Let’s just say, I had a lot of healing opportunities, but nothing that a healing protocol couldn’t fix, along with the proper supplementation. And, after about a year and a half of healthy eating and a few choice supplements, my health (and hair growth) improved tremendously.
So, let me remind you 1) you are not crazy 2) there is probably an underlying issue to the hair shed you are experiencing and 3) Do NOT give up! My questions ultimately led me on a health journey that changed my life forever. I found real answers and solutions and a new healthy lifestyle that I wouldn’t change for all the money in the world.
The following is a check list I recommend for anyone who is suffering with hair loss:
Check List for Correcting Hair Loss
- Check Thyroid w/Full Thyroid Panel, Ferritin, Zinc, B vitamins, Vitamin D
- Rule out Heavy Metals & Radiation
- Remove Inflammatory Foods: Gluten, Dairy, Soy, White Sugar, Alcohol
- Get a Hair Analysis to rule out Radiation
- Complete Digestive Panel GIMAP to rule out H. pylori Bacteria
- Improve Diet & Digestion
- Drink Plenty of Filtered Water
- Consider Adaptogens for Stress
- Make Stress Management a Priority
- Adopt a Whole Foods, Organic Diet with Grassfed Meats & Wild Fish
- Minimize Toxins in Environment, Home & Diet
The Take Away
It took me more than 3 years to finally pin-point and correct the underlying issues related to my hair loss. Those three years gave me a lot of time to come to terms with self-image and self-love. I came to accept myself with or without hair and I grew stronger within as each day passed. However, I never gave up the thought that I would find my balance and restore my health–this is the take away–DO NOT GIVE UP! Whether it be something as simple as a food allergy or the result of stress, due to giving birth…whatever the reason, you owe it to yourself to have your hair loss questions answered. I hope this information will empower you to keep going in your health journey and to remember that nothing is impossible. If you’d like support, coaching and real solutions to your hair loss schedule a session today.
In divine health,
Peiffer, V. (2013) “Regrowing Hair Naturally: Effective Remedies and Natural Treatments for Men and Women.” Singing Dragon, UK
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